Acupuncture............What is it ?
Many have heard of it, perhaps you have tried it. It is the medical therapy of using very tiny needles to heal the body in a variety of ways. It is a painless procedure lasting 20-45 minutes, which many find relaxing.
Acupuncture can be used in a western medicine approach for pain & recovery (as often seen at a physio or chiropractor), IE if the knee hurts we will needle the knee. It can also be used in the Traditional Chinese Medicine approach, which is rooted in 5000 years of experience to treat any form of illness, or to promote wellness & healing, utilizing points all over the body.
In the traditional philosophy; the whole of a person’s symptoms and signs are used to identify imbalances in their internal energy (called “Qì”), and re-balancing the flow of Qì (using acupuncture) results in a return to not only physical, but also psychological and emotional health.
At The Queens Med Spa - Dr. David Collings, ND can blend both modern western uses of acupuncture for pain & healing, as well as the traditional Chinese approach to balance Qì and promote optimal organ function and relaxation.
Benefits of Acupuncture:
Acupuncture and TCM have been used, traditionally, in the treatment of all health concerns, particularly those of a chronic, long-lasting nature.
Among other uses, modern medical research has verified the effectiveness of TCM, and acupuncture particularly, in (treatment of):
Menstrual symptoms including PCOS
Increasing uterine and ovarian blood flow (a possible mechanism to increase female fertility) & Improvement of in-vitro fertilization success rates
Migraine headaches
Low back pain
Anxiety and depression
Inflammation and pain
Cancer-related symptoms (depression, anxiety, insomnia, quality of life)
What to Expect:
Treatment is repeated weekly at first, but ultimately treatment frequency is individualized to your response to treatment. Dr. Collings, ND uses dry needling, and appointment fees are billed under Naturopathic Doctor (which should be covered by your extended benefits). If you don’t have benefits at least save your receipts for tax season as a medical expense. No referral necessary, you can book your first session today! Booking made easy online at
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