Struggling to lose weight despite eating right & Exercising? You are not alone.
The first step is always making sure you are in fact “eating right” and exercising. Talking to your doctor, such as Dr. Collings ND, or another professional is a good place to start to make sure you are meeting your nutritional needs while not consuming excess calories from a diet perspective.
If we aren’t eating healthfully & exercising; why is that? What are the obstacles getting in the way?
Time: Everyone I have ever met is too busy to cook right & exercise… Yet the successful ones find a way to make it work, despite their lack of time. There are lots of tips or tricks to manage your time better if that is truly the case. Things like a veggie/ grocery delivery service is an easy way to save time these days, more info below.
Determination: Is it a lack of “will power”, or apathy & lack of motivation to effect any change in your diet & lifestyle? Mental health counselling & stress management (from your Naturopath, or a registered Psychotherapist) can go a long way to correcting those habits.
Pain/ Physical Health: Do you have pain or other limitations preventing you from exercising? Again as a Naturopath there are countless therapies such as Acupuncture, PEMF, herbal anti-inflammatory supplements, etc. That can remove this obstacle for you. We can also help customize and maximize an exercise plan to your ability.
If we ARE eating well & exercising, but running into resistant or stubborn weight loss, what then?
This is where I would run a comprehensive blood panel to determine what other factors are limiting/ preventing your body from burning fat; your Thyroid, Sex Hormones, Vitamin Status, Insulin resistance, etc? Treating and correcting the physiologic imbalance in YOUR body will get us over the hurdle.
Do yourself a favour and do this simple thing to;
a) Save time by reducing time grocery shopping,
b) Save money with our promo code,
c) Eat nutritious local fruit & veg,
d) Help reduce food waste by signing up for a fruit & veg delivery service that uses “ugly” or unwanted produce:
Sign up for weekly fruit & veg delivery (to your door in Thornton/ South Simcoe) with Eat Impact, use the promo code QUEENS at checkout to receive 25% off your first 3 boxes
Next do yourself another favour by learning way more at our free Seminar/ Talk on Weight loss - Thursday June 20th, 7-8pm, here at Queens Health Centre. See flyer attached for more info.